'Trauben, Liebe und Zeit' - grapes, love and time - is the essence of winemaking for Franz Strohmeier. Franz and his wife Christine own a domain in the southern 'green heart' of Austria, in Styria.
Together with his good friend and colleague Sepp Muster (from the amazing erde wines), Franz is known as two of the first natural winemakers in Austria. Besides working purely naturally in the cellar, in the vineyards he experiments a lot with what nature offers him. He currently has a small grove in which he lets his grapes grow wild, without pruning, from which he also makes wine.
Together with his good friend and colleague Sepp Muster (from the amazing erde wines), Franz is known as two of the first natural winemakers in Austria. Besides working purely naturally in the cellar, in the vineyards he experiments a lot with what nature offers him. He currently has a small grove in which he lets his grapes grow wild, without pruning, from which he also makes wine.
Even though Franz is not biodynamically certified, he does make extensive use of biodynamic principles, and in some cases goes even further. Biodiversity is what is most important to Franz, and in his orchards everything is mixed together; grasses, trees, herbs and flowers not only provide biodiversity in terms of vegetation, but also attract a great diversity of fauna.
Franz makes both sparkling and still wines, all of which are characterized by a certain purity and clarity; you taste the green grasses in the orchards, and you taste the pure air of Styria.
This frizzante one is with Blauer Wildbacher and has been used since time immemorial in Styria only to make dark rosés (or light red wine), which they call Schilchers. This is summer juice with spring tones: rhubarb and raspberry acidity combines pleasantly with white pepper to make a goofy, thirst-quenching and somewhat savory aperitif. unexpected flavors but incredibly delicious