🇮🇹 The vineyards are located on the high hills of the Sannio Benevento region, not far from Naples, between 300 and 500 meters above sea level, on predominantly clay soils. Most of the vineyards are old (40 to 55 years) and have a pergola trellising system. Our vineyards are mixed, meaning that all the varieties grown coexist, alternating from one row to the next, amidst fruit and olive trees. The youngest vineyards (around 20 years old), planted in guyot, are surrounded by olive groves and small beech woods. We respect nature and the land as much as possible, carrying out a small number of treatments that have little impact on the environment (practically none for the oldest vineyard), and completely renouncing synthetic fertilisers and herbicides. Finally, to enrich the soil with organic substances and biodiversity, we favour spontaneous grassing and green manuring.